With Christmas bearing down on us like a train, I wanted to share a great book with you that you might want to consider gifting to a friend. Actually, do yourself a favour and gift it to yourself first…
Read MorePeople often ask me who my heroes are, expecting I think my response to include perhaps a famous mountaineer, a sporting legend; or some other historical figure. I see the look of recognition in their eyes; the “aha, I get it” as I list them out:
Read MoreTwelve years ago, a co-worker tried to talk me out of climbing a mountain…
Read MorePeople often presume that, because of the nature of what I do (you know, being a professional speaker, telling people what to do etc), that I must have it all figured out.
Read MoreI’m really excited today to let you know that my interview with Ishita Gupta for Fearless Magazine is now online!
Get the Kleenex ready…This is not just the story of an incredibly inspiring and brave young man.
This is also the story of an incredible woman, Moira Kelly…
In fact; it’s not even that hard. How is that possible? How can a guy without legs, a “game over” or “end of the world” scenario for most people, be in a place where I can honestly tell you; “it’s not a big deal”?
Read MoreOn April 30th I had the amazing opportunity to tell my story in a way I hadn’t told it before, as part of The Moth; in turn part of PEN World Voices.
Read MoreGod be with those who explore in the cause of understanding; whose search takes them far from what is familiar and comfortable and leads them into danger or terrifying loneliness.
Read MoreIn Celebration of Earth Day…
Read MoreWe could all use some travel tips from time to time; those of us who use some kind of mobility aid more than others.
Read MoreIf you’re interested in change, as I’m guessing you are, you’ve probably heard the name Seth Godin. I’m an unabashed fan…
Read MoreSetting yourself up for success…
Read MoreFor most of us, dealing with change is incredibly difficult. We like things to stay the same…
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