So you think you’re a Badass?


Trust me; you could be badder.


And I’ve got just the place for you to learn.
This Thursday and Friday (26th & 27th January), my friend JBT is hosting the first, the inaugural Badass Conference.

Here’s the blurb; you decide if it’s for you; or not…

“Imagine living a life with absolutely no excuses. No reasons for not being your best. No more bullshit.”

I’m in. In fact, I’m speaking.
On Friday.
At 3.40pm (Eastern Time).

Click on this link to The Badass Conference for details on how to join me.

To give you a sense of just how badass this event is going to be; guest speakers include:
Seth Godin
Julien Smith
Leo Babauta
Jonathan Fields
Brian Clark