The Call to Lead a Kick Ass Life


Every now and then, the stars align in a way that make things clearer for me that they were before. When that happens, I like to share.

Last week I had the pleasure of being a guest on David Wood’s podcast The Kick Ass Life.


Now, I don’t share every interview I do here on the blog, because, well, it would get kind of tedious.
This one though I really wanted to share with you, not just because of the way David draws a story out of me, and not just because his show is the number 1 rated podcast on personal development on iTunes; but because I think David’s show is a great resource for anyone to connect to that serious about; well, about living a Kick Ass life!

And then a few days ago I took part in a webinar for a young guy I’ve know about for a while, and got to meet recently; Dan Adams. Dan’s energy is infectious, and I want to turn you onto a program he’s developed called The Higher Purpose Project. If you have a big dream or a big idea, you might want to check into what Dan’s put together. It may just be the catalyst you need to grow that idea.

Which brings me back to the stars aligning.
Sometimes it’s way too easy to be overwhelmed in life by the things that aren’t happening; or the bad news it seems like we’re often surrounded by. Sometimes we need a reminder that great things are happening; out there, and very possibly quite within our reach. I appreciated getting two of those reminders last week.

My hope is that you’ll appreciate them too 
