Sink or Swim


We often come up with excuses as to why we’re not participating fully in life. “I can’t do this because of that.” “I can’t do x until y happens.”

We all do it; I’m as guilty as anyone. For this reason I want to share an update with you on my buddy from Karen who lives east of me in Kimbeley. You might remember TaHay Tha from a post back in 2008 when he kicked my arse playing marbles.

“Marbles?” you might ask.
“You expect me to read a blog post about a marble game?”

c has no arms (or legs for that matter).
He kicked my arse.
You can read about it here (no problem; I’ll wait…)

I wanted to share this pic that Shauna Jimenez (from the East Kootenay Friends of Burma, the friend who introduced me to Tahay Tha) just sent me.


Yes, it’s TaHay Tha swimming. Participating to the best of his ability. We should stop and think before we say “I can’t”…
Throw yourself in; you might surprise yourself.

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1 Comment

  1. Warren Macdonald says:

    August 7, 2010 at 3:19 pm

    I should have mentioned; those are specially adapted fins fitted to TaHay Tha’s stumps. I think I need some.