Read MoreI’m writing because it reminded me that when things go sideways, the recovery process is always the same.
Read MoreToday seems like a good day to remind you (I’m looking at you Canada) of a lesson I’ve been sharing for many years.
If you can’t spare a few minutes to watch the video, the takeaway is this:
If you don’t push yourself, someone else will.
Read MoreMuch like a bank account, when the time comes that we need to make a withdrawal from our resilience account, the account only has what it has. You don't magically discover you have more resilience; much like you don't magically discover you have more money...
Speaking of Australia, I’m excited to announce that I’ll be back in Aus for a number of speaking engagements during November and December 2023 (possibly January as well).
Read MoreIf you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know it’s my belief that perception, how we see, helps shape our reality; helps shape the very world we live in.
Whilst this has always been important, it’s even more so now as we find ourselves at one of the most critical points in human history.
Because how we see, is under threat...
Read MoreSo the *$#& has just hit the fan and you need to be more resilient.
Read MoreAll of us feel stuck at some point in our lives, and it’s no wonder. The scientific community suggests that the average adult makes approximately 35,000 decisions each day…
Read MoreInspired by my friend Will Gadd’s story of how he, one of the worlds most prolific athletes when it comes to all things extreme, found himself settled back on the couch feeling sorry for himself with a broken finger.
Read MoreIt never ceases to amaze me how deep the rabbit hole goes when it comes to perception. To how, what and why we see what we see…
Read MoreMuch like the web these days being about back and forth, about connecting rather than showing, I’m working on the concept of Change 2.0. The theory is this…
Read MoreGreat article in Mondays’ Globe and Mail by Harvey Schachter on futurist Jim Caroll’s call to replace the MBA with the MBI - Master in Business Imagination.
Read MoreThinking of perception again this afternoon in Auckland as Margo and I make our way back towards Canada. Things aren’t always as they seem…
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