Three words that saved my life.
"Nothing is impossible when we’re prepared to face our fears, and believe in ourselves”
The original television. Trusted to screen original content…
This is what we spend our lives preparing for.
This is why we practice resilience.
You’ve got this. Yes, you have.
In all of this I’m reminding myself of the three words that saved my life back in 1997.
Yes, this is really happening.
Denial is not your friend.
Your wellbeing is up to you.
Do not, I repeat, do not wait for your government to tell you what to do.
You’re wellbeing, your family’s wellbeing and safety is up to you.
Take stock of what is in your control.
Try not to focus on things outside of that.
Make a list each day of what needs to be done; keep it front and centre so you’re not easily taken off track.
Taking action means taking control, which is crucial when so many things seem out of control.
What Margo and I are doing:
Meditating first thing in the morning to keep our minds calm.
Stretching, staying active.
Some resources I’m finding helpful right now.
The Hammer or the Dance article I would suggest is essential reading right now. Don’t let it scare you, allow it to mobilize you into action if that’s what you need.
Eckhart Tolle’s Message and Meditation You have access to one of the worlds great spiritual teachers right here online. His message helps us remain calm when fear threatens to take over.
Ryan Holiday’s book The Obstacle is the Way is on sale on Kindle. It’s a great book reinforcing what I know to be true. With every crisis comes a tremendous opportunity for growth. It’s why we practice resilience.
And remember, you can do this.
Yeah, you can.
Please don’t think I’m saying this will be easy, it won’t. It may well be your (and my) greatest test. But that doesn’t change any of the above.
Be safe.
Be smart.
Be well.
Warren and Margo
I’d love to hear what you’re finding helpful right now; please share here in the comments so we can all benefit.