Learning that is. We strive; we set goals. We use phrases like “I’m getting there” (or at least I do) to indicate our progress toward a set point; a destination.
Read MoreResilience is a funny thing. We only need it when things go wrong. The rest of the time it’s something for others to worry about.
Read MoreYou’ve heard the phrase “You get what you focus on”. Or in my words, “How you see is what you get”.
Read MoreAfter a year of rehab, I finally found out last week that the shoulder injury I’ve been dealing with isn’t really an injury. That is, it’s not something that can be fixed, with surgery or without, but is simply “worn out”.
With Halloween upon us, I thought you might appreciate this funny story from the archives of “weird stuff that happens when you have no legs…”
Read MoreIt never ceases to amaze me how deep the rabbit hole goes when it comes to perception. To how, what and why we see what we see…
Read MoreI spent a few days in Toronto recently, and while I loved the energy of being in a big city, something interesting happened when I took a shortcut through a tiny park beside St James’ Church.
Every now and then, the stars align in a way that make things clearer for me that they were before. When that happens, I like to share.
Read MoreIf you fly as much as I do I’m sure you’ll be with me on this. From the time I leave for the airport, I just want to get the show on the road. Once I’m on the plane, I don’t want to hear about the hockey. I don’t want to overhear the last minute calls making sure the goldfish gets fed.
Read MoreWith Christmas bearing down on us like a train, I wanted to share a great book with you that you might want to consider gifting to a friend. Actually, do yourself a favour and gift it to yourself first…
Read MoreEverywhere I’ve turned over the past few weeks I run into an article, book or blog about Simplicity. Is it just me, or has that been your experience also?
Read MoreTwelve years ago, a co-worker tried to talk me out of climbing a mountain…
Read MoreAnother how-to tip for amputees or anyone who uses a wheelchair for mobility. Winter driving can be a challenge for anyone…
In fact; it’s not even that hard. How is that possible? How can a guy without legs, a “game over” or “end of the world” scenario for most people, be in a place where I can honestly tell you; “it’s not a big deal”?
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