Letting go is not easy. In fact, it could be one of the most difficult things any of us ever have to do. One of the biggest lessons I have learned has been that you can’t create something until you clear a space for that creation to take place. When we are busy and overwhelmed, that space simply isn’t there for creativity.
Read MoreMuch like the web these days being about back and forth, about connecting rather than showing, I’m working on the concept of Change 2.0. The theory is this…
Read MoreI’ve been speaking for over a decade now. Longer actually when you consider that words first started coming out of my mouth in 1966, but I mean speaking professionally.
Read MoreI’ve been speaking for over a decade now. Longer actually when you consider that words first started coming out of my mouth in 1966, but I mean speaking professionally.
Read MoreReading Clay Shirky’s Cognitive Surplus slammed home for me something I already knew, but hadn’t crystallised in my mind. We don’t have a financial crisis; we have a productivity crisis.
Read MoreFirst, some statistics: According to the new film from Davis Guggenheim, Waiting for Superman, among the top 30 developed nations, the US ranks 25th in mathematics and 21st in science.
Read MoreAmps are at it again; this time with Frenchman Philippe Croizon, a quadruple amputee following an electrical accident, swimming across the English Channel in a very respectable 13 1/2 hours.
Read MoreI almost got to meet an amazing individual at a potluck a couple of nights back. I say almost, because I missed meeting Thomas Kamiya by 12 hours, as he had packed up his tools that morning and was headed on his merry way…
Read MoreWanted to share an observation with you on self imposed resistance and adversity, and how it can strengthen and better prepare us for our challenges, and improve our performance in everyday life.
Read MoreStumbled across a nice post today on Doing the Impossible; something I`m a big fan of.
Read MoreThe name Bill Phillips will be familiar to many as the author of the bestselling Body for Life, the New York Times bestseller first released in 1999. Body for Life has helped over one million people all over the world take control of their bodies…
Read MoreWe often come up with excuses as to why we’re not participating fully in life. “I can’t do this because of that.” “I can’t do x until y happens.”
Read MoreWARNING: Don’t watch the following if you suffer from any kind of heart problems. Equally important, don’t watch if you’re prone to comments along the lines of “that’s just stupid”, or something equally judgmental.
Read MoreI want to share a little secret with you.
You’re in charge.
Interesting to see the debate continue around global warming. Is it real? Is it fake? Is the threat of global warming being pumped up to move us closer to a global carbon tax?
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